Listen: Your roommates are tired of seeing you naked just because you can’t be bothered to shop for new clothes. But hey, we get it: shopping can be stressful, pricey and generally soul-strangling. Then there’s the added pressure of what to actually buy. Well, it just so happens that this Sunday starting at 11am, Dusty Rose is making it easy for you: they’re hosting “Buy the Bag,” what I can only describe as a vintage shoppers’ free-for-all at their Greenpoint warehouse.
Here’s the skinny: For 25 bucks, you get handed a big plaid woven bag. Then, you dive into Dusty Rose’s sea of gently damaged vintage and stuff your big plaid woven bag with as many items as you can possibly fit in there. Then you go home with said bag and items. It could get kind of sexy in there too: if you want to try something on, you won’t be able to use the dressing room.
Anyone else already ridiculously stoked for this?
Featuring slightly sub-sale grade clothes (a missing button here, a totally removable stain there, etc.), the event is best-suited to the crafty folks who walk among us here in Broketown. But if you’re looking for a no-frills wardrobe update, there’s sure to be plenty of wear-and-walk quality stuff among the piles (Holy Halloween costumes, Batman!). Thrifter’s tip: the event says they won’t be restocking piles as the day goes on, and it’s only a two-hour event (until 1pm), so it’s best to get there early.
But seriously, it’s not complicated. Just fill a freakin’ bag with some clothes. Best day ever.
PS. I can’t go. Post in the comments below if you want to do this writer a solid and pick up a bag on my behalf. Bonus: new best friend included.
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