Know any Brooklyn teens ages 15 to 18, who qualify as dancers, musicians, athletes, drama queens, bookworms, shy types, alpha males, alpha females, texters or party hoppers? (Isn’t that… everyone?) MTV’s casting agents have asked Brokelyn to help get the word out about a call for local non-actors of all types and ethnicities to star in the US version of Skins, the UK series that gave Slumdog Millionaire star Dev Patel his start in show business. We’re obliging partly because we can’t wait to see this thing: The racy UK mega-hit, currently in its fourth season, follows a bunch of foul-mouthed kids as they navigate a range of real-life issues including homosexuality, pregnancy, anorexia, drugs, fractured families, and so on.
So why is MTV especially interested in Brooklyn teens? “It’s a no brainer. We were handed the task of finding the most charismatic and actually edgy kids we could,” casting agent Kim Madalinski tells Brokelyn. “We need real people with real life experiences and the courage to show it. Everyone says ‘you need to go to my neighborhood,’ and ‘my neighborhood’ is always somewhere in Brooklyn.’ ” Though the the US version will be ultimately set in Baltimore (ahem!), casting calls—specifically aimed at those without acting experience—have been announced only for NYC and Toronto so far.
The NYC casting call is Nov. 15 from 10 to 4 at the University Settlement at the Houston Street Center, 273 Bowery, (corner of Bowery and Houston) NYC. Bring photo ID as proof of age: 15-18 only. Contact: skinsuscasting@gmail.com.
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“Hi, are any other St. Ann’s parents interested in carpooling to this? Or should we just rent a charter bus?”
hello I live in mexico and I want to do the casting but I see that says it is only for those living in Brokelyn do not know if you come to make a casting in mexico and it would not be bad Mexican humor hides for some differentiate UK version …. thanks
It’s not only for Brooklyn teens, but they want to see lots of kids from BK!
Her “no brainer” idea is just laziness. She’s either too much of an amateur or too chicken-livered to go to Baltimore and do the casting there. Instead she’s taking advice from the narrow circle of hipster friends she made here when she fell off the bus at the Port Authority.
By the way Kimmy, you’re going to ruin the “Skins” brand here in the states. You know you are.
is it still to late too try out for this show?
not sure… but we’ll post if they do another casting in nyc
I really hope they have another casting in New York because I just found out about this a week after the deadline. And where is the exact location because I really like to audition and a really would love to be on the show as a main or minor role. Please have another casting. =)