Whale of a deal: It’s free cone day at Carvel today

Yours, all yours, for nothing. via Facebook

Whether you fall on the side of liking Ben and Jerry’s or like Tim, think it’s “the Huffington Post of desserts,” the one thing we can all agree on is that their free cone day doesn’t always come at the right time. Early April just isn’t always a time when people think of ice cream and shorts and warmth. Luckily, there are other free cone days to take advantage of, like Carvel’s free cone day that’s happening today from 3pm to 8pm. More luckily, there are plenty of Carvel locations in Brooklyn (and incidentally none in Times Square), so getting your free ice cream doesn’t mean extra time in Manhattan.

For Carvel’s free cone day, you can get a free junior cone of chocolate, vanilla or Nutella soft serve at participating Carvels from 3pm to 8pm. Nutella soft serve? Someone tell the Nuteria, or maybe don’t since we don’t want them getting sued any more than they’ve already been sued. Like we said, there are plenty of Carvel locations on our side of New York, though we can’t be sure that the Carvel express locations built into gas stations are going to be giving out free ice cream. Gas stations being kind of low on magic and wonder and all that.

Still, with plenty of Carvel locations in south Brooklyn, that seems like as a good a time as ever to hop on the train and first get free ice cream and then go to a nearby bar that’s in the South Brooklyn Beer Book, so you can make a whole late afternoon/evening of not paying for stuff that you’d usually have to pay for.

David Colon :