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-Some math whiz figured out how long you should wait before giving up on your train.
-The death of Prince made everyone want to get out and dance.
-Summer creeped closer with the release of Habana Outpost’s movie schedule.
-For 4/20, we asked: Is the one hitter dying out?
-Greenpoint and Dyker Heights really felt the Bern, but it wasn’t enough to win Brooklyn.
-But before that, 28,000 people rallied for Bernie in Prospect Park.
-We learned 11 surefire ways to piss off your brunch server.
-SummerStage announced plans for free Brooklyn shows.
-Eric told you why the Five Boro Bike Tour is a waste of money.
-Kimmy Schmidt did a great job taking on NYC’s gentrification.
-A Passover expert explained to us: What’s the deal with Manischewitz?
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