The Week in Broketown, 4/22 – 4/26

Inside, she's weeping, don't worry
Inside, she’s weeping, don’t worry

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-Brooklyn Industries took a controversial vacation in the Rockaways

-Urban Outfitters welcomed you to Bushwick. Bad week for clothing companies, huh?

-The library asked you to bike around to help them out

-Everyone else got angry about bike share

-Hipsters were both maids and messiahs

-We ate Mexican food, but it was to help a school

-Netflix announced they were on to you, you moochers

-One writer lived in Manhattan on a $1,ooo/month budget

-Another one explored other avenues to paying rent

-The Brooklyn Bridge Park movies came back

-So did Jimmy McMillan, with a hot track about the rent being rather extravagant

David Colon :