Run to your laptop for this pay-what-you-want athletic gear sale

You can pay what you like to look like this. Well, you’d still need to be in shape to look like THIS. via OnlyAtoms

We all know that all it takes is a cute new running tank and shorts to actually get you to exercise (what Netflix subscription?) but you don’t even have to leave your bed to shop during OnlyAtoms‘ pay-what-you-want sale.

Race to your computer, because according to DNA Info, the athletic gear outfitter is celebrating its launch by offering pay-what-you-want running gear for a limited time.

The sale offers items including men’s and women’s running tops, shorts, and gear on a sliding scale, with which you can reduce the price for the running gear to as low as $34, for something like the Oxygen Women’s Tank. You could also pay more than the list price to contribute to OnlyAtoms’ launch, but what are you, a Rockefeller?

The products are made in limited qualities, so be sure to grab your preferred running outfit before the shop runs out.

OnlyAtoms’ pay-what-you-wish garments will ship mid to late-August, so you can get pumped for those gorgeous autumn runs on the East River. And hey, with all the money you save, maybe you’ll actually be able to afford a winter gym membership!

Melissa Kravitz :