This week in anti-Trump activism: Be like Boston

Photo by Kristin Shoemaker via Flickr

Alt-right and -lite protesters had a rally for “free speech” in Boston this weekend, which they planned well in advance of what happened in Charlottesville.  Unlike Charlottesville, however, the alt-righters were outnumbered by liberal and leftist protesters about 200 to 1, and approximately 20,000 to 30,000 people showed up to drive them out. Not everyone can drive out to another city to attend a protest, but there’s a lesson to be learned here: When racists and fascists make threats, we should have enough people to drown them out and drive them out. Basically, be like Boston. And if you can’t donate your time but you’re willing to donate money, consider giving to the National Lawyers Guild, which provides defense for people arrested at protests and rallies, or the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been fighting right-wing extremists for years. But if you do have time to give, here are some events:


  • Anti-war protesters are gathering outside Chuck Schumer and Kristin Gillibrand’s offices. (780 3rd Ave., Manhattan, 4pm)
  • Call your representatives and raise money for the Black Lives Matter chapter in Charlottesville at this activist-centered happy hour. (Butter & Scotch, 5pm, FREE)
  • Flatbush residents are having an anti-racism rally in solidarity with Charlottesville. (Newkirk Plaza, 5:30pm)
  • The organizers of the Brooklyn March Against Gentrification are having a planning meeting. (Solidarity Center NYC, 7pm, FREE)



  • Local officials and community leaders are having a town hall about the Confederate monuments in Fort Hamilton. (John Paul Jones Park, 11am, FREE)
  • The Center for Anti-Violence Education is leading a bystander intervention training workshop – RSVP here. (Patagonia, 6:15pm, FREE)
  • Rise & Resist is having a weekly meeting where they’ll plan protests and direct actions. (The LGBT Center, 7pm, FREE)


  • Support the people who were arrested at Pride by attending their court hearings. (100 Centre St., 9am, FREE)
  • Learn the secrets of successful organizing at this activist-centered workshop. (CUNY Graduate Center, 3pm, FREE)
  • Protesters are having a rally in support of Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback who is currently a free agent because the NFL doesn’t approve of his activism. (NFL headquarters, 5pm)
  • Listen to speakers, express yourself, sing, mourn, and more at this nonviolent rally against racism. (Washington Square Park, 5pm)
  • Catch a screening of Equal Means Equal and learn about the Equal Rights Amendment with the ACLU. (AMC Loews 19th Street, 6pm, $17)
  • JFREJ is having a meeting where they’ll discuss their strategies for community defense and institutional engagement in Brooklyn and Queens. (JFREJ Office, 6:30pm, FREE)



  • JFREJ, the DSA, and Communities United for Police Reform are having a rally in support of the Right to Know Act. (250 Broadway, Manhattan, 4:30pm)
  • The New Sanctuary Coalition is having a training session on how to accompany immigrants to check-ins with ICE and ISAP. (Saint Peters Church, 6pm, FREE)
  • NY Indivisible is having a meeting where they’ll discuss housing justice in New York City. (St. John’s Church, 6:30pm)
  • Learn how New York can reduce (and eventually eliminate) its reliance on fossil fuels at this panel. (New York Society for Ethical Culture, 7pm, FREE)


  • The Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council is having a general assembly on Charlottesville and no-platforming fascists. (Verso Books, 6:30pm, FREE)



  • The Alliance of Families for Justice is having a march for justice to reform the criminal justice system. (8 West 126th St., 9am)
  • Activist groups from all over the city are gathering at this training session hosted by TransAlt. (TransAlt office, 11am)
  • Learn how to respond to ICE at this workshop led by the Rapid Response Network. (The Base, 5pm, FREE)


  • Listen to speakers, express yourself, sing, mourn, and more at this nonviolent rally against racism. (Washington Square Park, 3pm)
  • Stand up against fascism at this anti-fascist rally in solidarity with Berkeley residents, where fascists are having a rally of their own this weekend. (Union Square South, 3pm)
Gaby Del Valle :