Tag: washington square park

This week in anti-Trump activism: Be like Boston

More than 20,000 anti-racist protesters drove a right-wing "rally for free speech" out of Boston last weekend. Be more like…

This week in anti-Trump activism: Stand up against the ACHA

I know everyone is fixated on Russia, pee tapes, etc., but let's talk about something that'll affect more lives, and…

This week in anti-Trump activism: Trump comes to NYC

Today is May Day, and thousands of people across the country are going on strike to stand in solidarity with…

This week in anti-Trump activism: 100 days of Trump

In his first 100 days in office, FDR did... a lot, too much to list here. Now we have a president…

This week in anti-Trump activism: engaging with your Trump-loving relatives

I really don't want to make any of this about me, but I'm on vacation in another country right now and I just…

This week in Anti-Trump activism: the Women’s Strike and more

It's finally here, y'all: the women's strike. And while the strike is intended to show just how much work women…

Comedian asks New Yorkers for a bite of their food, is mostly succesful

If you're ever feeling a bit peckish out on the streets of the city, you shouldn't worry too much apparently,…