Wednesdays mean 30% off every massage at Slope Wellness this month

Won’t you lay hands on me. via Facebook

Things always move a bit slower during the summer as people value relaxation and barbecues over say, dealing with breaking sexting news. Still, you look up one day and it’s August and you start dreading the end of summer Fridays, laying out on the beach and Prospect Park concerts. Fortunately, Slope Wellness realizes you might have some stress coming up and on Wednesdays, is offering you 30% off every massage on their menu. Relaxing.

Yep, you read that right, 30% off on Wednesdays for everything on Slope Wellness’ menu of therapeutic squeezy bodywork. Looking at the pricing schedule, that means you can get the knots out with a half-hour massage for under forty bucks and sixty minutes for just seventy bucks. Sure it’s only on Wednesdays, but these are legitimate medical procedures, so try ducking out of work, telling them you’ve got a doctor’s appointment. And if you can’t make it over to Slope Wellness on a Wednesday this month, or want some acupuncture to go along with your massage, don’t forget there are still plenty of cheap acupuncture options for you out there.

David Colon :

View Comments (1)

  • Thank you so much for featuring our August Special! However, I did want to point out that it is just 30% off massage on Wednesdays (though community acupuncture is also every Wednesday which is regularly just $40/visit!). If there's any way to update this we'd appreciate it. Thanks again!