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Despite warrior wolves’ best efforts, old Kosciuszko Bridge’s span being barged to Jersey

The time has come. The old span of the Kosciuszko Bridge, bemoaned by many in all but death, has been lowered onto two barges in Newtown Creek and will soon be floated into the after-bridge-life – AKA a recycling plant in New Jersey. Quite the anti-climactic end to a summer of inaccurate anticipation for a far more explosive bridge-death, the bridge’s is still quite the sight to see, starting yesterday and continuing on today. The five million pound, 300-foot main span has been lowered just above the waters of the Creek, and soon will be en route to its Jersey afterlife. The remaining bridge parts will be imploded where they stand, according to the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.

While the tens of thousands of people who RSVPed in attendance of the demolition on a variety of unofficial Facebook event pages would, based on photos, not all appear to have in fact attended, a number of enthusiastic locals did show face to document the historic bridge to barge lowering. While plans of the would-be “Kosciuszko Philharmonic Orchestra” to serenade the bridge’s dynamited demolition with the 1812 Overture unfortunately did not materialize, the “True Kosciuszko Bridge” supporters did come through with their interpretation of wolves and swords in an attempt to defend the “TRUE KOSCIUSZKO BRIDGE”.

“We as a collective stand beneath you,” the group’s wolf-headed “Wolfmaster” read to the other sword-bearing defenders during a march to the bridge on Saturday. “Our hearts forged in the fires of this land and tempered with the blood of wolf. We vow to see you stand proud,” the Wolfmaster continued, as recorded in a video on the group’s Facebook page.

While their valiant action was, alas, for naught, they showed up – more than many of those tens of thousands of Facebook RSVPers can say. If you want to make good on that RSVP, there’s still time to watch the main span’s journey to Jersey.



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Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.