Trivia goes underground at the Transit Museum

Who were the first people to ever make out on the subway? via Crushable

So you’ve done trivia on everything from The Simpsons to a Pat Kiernan-hosted 90s quiz, sex-ed to black history, and you’re hungry for more. Well, did you know that the 7 line has 21 stations? Or that the longest distance you can take on the subway without transferring is 31 miles? Oh, you knew that? Well then you very well may crush it at the Transit Museum’s trivia night next Thursday.

Don’t worry if you don’t know about facts like subway length and construction years, the trivia night will also include questions on subways relating to music, movies and culture. The flyer gives a hint of questions to come by asking which future Hollywood megastar played Subway Thug #1 in Woody Allen’s Bananas. Sylvester Stallone. Knew that one without having to look it up!

The night will go from 7pm to 9pm and is hosted by Stuart Post and Chris Kelley. Your team can consist of two to six players. Or, you can just just show up lone wolf style and lend your brain to the team with the most attractive people. Or whoever will have you. Admission is $15, $10 for Transit Museum or Transportation Alternatives members (lousy do-gooders), and your ticket (which you can get here) comes with a free drink as well. You’ve got a week to bone up on the origins of “Charlie on the M.T.A.” so get to it!

Trivia Night at the New York Transit Museum, Thursday January 17, 7pm to 9pm, $15/$10, New York City Transit Museum, 130 Livingston Street, Brooklyn Heights

David Colon :