High five! Fifth Avenue Shopping Spree Raffle returns for 2013

We would like $1000 worth of pork, please. via Flickr user roboppy

Shopping should come with more rewards than just you accumulating a bunch of stuff. That part is nice and all, but wouldn’t it be better if instead of making your wallet lighter, shopping somehow filled your wallet with sweet, sweet money? The folks at the Park Slope Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District agree, so they’ve gotten together to put together a raffle: shop at a Fifth Avenue store, get entered for a chance to win a $1000 Fifth Avenue shopping spree.

The raffle drawing will be held on Valentine’s Day, so unless you can shop really quickly, you won’t be able to hold out to win it to do your  V-Day shopping. But don’t let that discourage you from frequenting any of the dozens of businesses participating in the event. Your purchase at any of the businesses gets you entered in the raffle.

There are two runner up prizes as well, a $500 and $300 shopping spree, free money to spend anywhere along Fifth, places like 5th Avenue Record and Tape, Pork Slope, Baluchi’s and Impeccable Attire. Also? Dive bar standouts South and Freddy’s. Yep, that’s right, just hanging out and drinking beers can get you more of a reward than the possibility of dulling your emotions down far enough for empty sex with another lonely soul.

David Colon :

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  • HOPING to win this!!! haven't gone clothes shopping in two years. Being broke SUCKS!