Tag: scott rogowsky

Watch: What ‘La La Land’ would be like if it were set in New York City

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv1fo2wNaok I haven't seen La La Land yet but from what I understand it's a movie about how great Hollywood and…

Watch: Comedian Scott Rogowsky clowns on Trump with more fake book covers on the subway

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uywdkkEnTNc&app=desktop We are coping with the upcoming Trump administration by using an alternating mix of activist rage and absurdist comedy, because…

Could you resell your diploma to pay off student loans? Watch this comedian try

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hrt89W492k It's June which means the only other thing on our minds besides SUMMER is the end of the school year,…

This is why you should probably mind your own business on the subway

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFxu9dOO4zk My No. 1 reason for not liking ebooks, in addition to the fact that I HATE TREES (jk), is that…

Here’s 10 hours of walking NYC’s streets as a Jew

http://youtu.be/m5mmp-uwNNY We've seen what it's like to walk NYC's streets as a woman, but Running Late's Scott Rogowsky showed us…

Running Late is celebrating three years with a free show Thursday

Think about the things that you've done for three years straight. Not too many things come to mind, beyond "staying…

Late night host investigates ‘what kind of monster’ can afford a one-bedroom in Williamsburg

http://youtu.be/nh7BB-lly5M Perhaps you've biked past the gleaming, straight-out-of-Miami condo towers along Kent Avenue in Williamsburg and wondered to yourself: "Who…

Scott Rogowsky finds a roommate with talk show interviews in ‘Rooming Late’

We all know how awkward trying to find a roommate can be once you've put your room on Craigslist. The…

Scott Rogowsky amplifies everyday NYC conversations in ‘Booming NYC’

What do your friends, neighbors and people you just see talking at the park talk about? Pizza, whether or not…

Running Late runs to new home, snags Eugene Mirman as first guest

Much like fall is the season when TV networks roll out new episodes of their shows, fall is also apparently…