Late night host investigates ‘what kind of monster’ can afford a one-bedroom in Williamsburg

Perhaps you’ve biked past the gleaming, straight-out-of-Miami condo towers along Kent Avenue in Williamsburg and wondered to yourself: “Who the fuck even lives there? How do they live there?” You might not have had the time to find out, but Scott Rogowsky, host of Running Late decided to go quiz the front desk people working at and the realtors renting in Williamsburg’s luxury waterfront condos. It’s cathartic, in a class war kind of way.

David Colon :

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  • Ehh, if you split a 2 bedroom it's $2200-$2600 per person, depending on who takes the master. Not cheap but not out of the realm of possibility for a good numbers of renters.

  • This is idiotic. I don't make anywhere close to being able to afford those apartments but the people that can are not "monsters." Luxury condos on the waterfront in uber-trendy areas are really expensive - big surprise. The punchline is old and not funny.

  • The most expensive way to find an apartment is to approach a luxury apartment directly. You can get a King-size 2 bedroom apartment off the Lorimer stop for $2500 if you're smart.

    • haha, no you can't.
      Do you really think that the management company of a luxury building is going to give you a 1500 monthly discount on the rent because you did three minutes of legwork?