Tag: freddy’s

Consider the lobstah and 13 other things to do this weekend

1. Greenlight's Brooklyn Indie Party is your chance to finally prove you're cool to the cutie you've been talking to…

(Maybe) do the time warp and 14 weekend ideas

1. It's a free screening of either Rocky Horror or Labyrinth, the choice is yours: the time warp or uh, that thing…

Say anything and 13 other ways to keep independence weekend going

1. Out of 25,000 photographs he took between 2005 and 2010, photographer Robert Madruga is displaying only 25 for an…

Start summer at the Gowanus Yacht Club and 10 other weekend ideas

1. Go to the Gowanus Yacht Club, because summer (Friday) 2. Head to Brooklyn Fireproof, will they will take you…

Master time and space and nine other things to do this weekend

1. Arts group nuMad has a bunch of their work to show off, and they're so excited about it that…

Hit up a Hootenanny and 12 other free ways to hang this week

1. Have a jam session at Greenlight Books with master jam maker Laena McCarthy of Anarchy in a Jar (Monday)…

Be a Derbytaunt and 14 other ways to spend the weekend

1. Hang with Miss America and Marty Markowtiz at the Fairway grand re-opening (Friday) 2. Stick it to Ted Cruz:…

Bathe in the purple rain and 16 other free events this week

1. Get thrizzled at Book Court by author Michael Kupperman's stories of Einstein and Mark Twain solving mysteries (Monday) 2.…

Go to the circus and 12 other ways to spend the weekend

1. Rock and roll lizards Galapagos Now will be sunning themselves performing at the Grand Victory (Friday) 2. Sketch group…

Be a Rhinestone Gorilla and 12 other free things to do this week

1. Learn how to rewrite fairytales to avoid the "happily ever after" ending the patriarchy has insisted we go by…