Tag: domino sugar factory

Apply now: The lottery for $596/month studios at the old Domino Sugar factory site opens today

Years ago, when the spread of waterfront development in Williamsburg momentarily seemed containable, a group of residents and decay-junkies led an…

Get your financial house in order if you want an affordable Domino apartment

Hey remember when Mayor Tall stared down Two Trees and said "I'm gonna squash you with my tallness if you…

Solve the sugar Sphinx’s riddle, 18 other weekend ideas

1. Rosie Perez is gonna be at Bed-Stuy Restoration Plaza, talking her new book, and she'll be joined by new…

See some sweet art in the Domino Sugar Factory starting this weekend

You've been living here a few years now, but never summed up the wherewithal to sneak into the Domino Sugar…

De Blasio admin gets more affordable housing at Domino with unheard of ‘negotiating’ technique

Last week, Mayor "Red" Bill de Blasio sent the city into a tizzy by declaring that he'd like to see…

De Blasio administration pushes for more affordable housing space at Domino

Just when everyone thought that the Domino development was completely in the clear (and that we were another day closer…

Now there’s a beautifully doomed counter-proposal for the Domino development

It's become conventional wisdom that the Domino factory site was about to go through enormous upheaval, as luxury towers went…

First look at Havemeyer Park, home to BK’s first bike park

A few months ago, we shared the news that the empty lot across from the Domino Sugar housing development was…

Domino site getting a bike course, reading room, urban farm

So a little while back, we filled you guys in on the fact that Two Trees Management, the people who…

Sweet: New Domino development doesn’t look horrible

We've spent plenty of time here bitching about the evils of real estate developers, not that we have anything to…