Sweet: New Domino development doesn’t look horrible

The hole gives the building its power

We’ve spent plenty of time here bitching about the evils of real estate developers, not that we have anything to be sorry for. When it comes to the especially contentious Williamsburg waterfront developments, the problem wasn’t so much that there are condos, but they’re ugly and are their own little self-contained neighborhoods. So give credit where it’s due to the new developers of the Domino Sugar Factory: they’ve either got a design that isn’t horrible or they know how to pander really, really well.

With the caveat that this is hardly a done deal, according to the Observerthe design looks like it’s going to come with a decent amount of open space, and they’re even ditching the idea of a big box store moving in to the development’s retail space. Plus Two Trees has promised to set aside over 600 apartments for affordable housing, so there’s a fraction of a sliver of a chance that you can live in a space-age building with a giant hole in it. Of course, this is only the proposed plan and could get changed by the zoning board or even the developer, so watch for a teeth-gnashing condemnation in this very space in maybe two years.

David Colon :