Tag: brooklyn boulders

5 Brooklynites On Their Fave Cheap Activities

Have fun and save a few bucks.

Find (or reject) love, and 19 more ways to have a perfect Valentine’s weekend

1. No matter your feelings on the loviest holiday, we can all agree: your ex was the worst. Head to Syndicated…

Trade an old hoodie for some sweet climbing muscles through Feb. 20

The weather and snow are real issues the city is still dealing with this week, but the growing homeless population…

Brooklyn Boulders has free climbing for you all weekend

As one of our contributors went over while putting fall on blast, as the weather gets colder, overeating due to…

Tie In, Climb On: The lowdown on rock climbing gyms in New York City

This post is brought to you by Sorta Outdoorsy, a weekly newsletter full of ideas for outdoor adventures around New York City. Like…

Get a free 4th of July bike tune-up from Ride Brooklyn!

Huzzah, weather for the 4th is slated to be sunny and BBQ-ready! And chances are, you've got more than one…

See Brooklyn Boulders’ movie premiere for just five bucks tomorrow night

Not content with just being a place to get a good workout without being around a bunch of aggro bros…

Indulge your ‘Ninja Warrior’ fantasies and win tix to Brooklyn Boulders’ Lava Monster

Admit it, you've totally watched Ninja Warrior (or the watered down American version) on cable and thought, "I could tooootally do that."…

10 indoor spots to get fit fit for less in Brooklyn

With the warm weather transitioning into lower digits outside volleyball at Pier 5 won't be a copacetic way to keep…

Sweet job alert: Brooklyn Boulders needs someone to lift kids to new heights

Do you hate your current job because there's not enough rock climbing or children? That's a very specific reason to…