Categories: Community

Trade an old hoodie for some sweet climbing muscles through Feb. 20

Trade that old hoodie for some sweet arm muscles. Via BKB Facebook.

The weather and snow are real issues the city is still dealing with this week, but the growing homeless population is something that is going to take longer to fix. In the meantime, you can help some of those homeless people stay warm this winter, and get some free sweet arm muscles out of it. Brooklyn Boulders is partnering with Hoodies for the Homeless through Feb. 20: drop off a new or gently used hoodie at the climbing gym and get a free day pass, or half off a day pass and gear rental. If you’re a member already, you get an additional guest pass for your hoodie. And you’ll need those climbing skills to get over those huge snow mounds that won’t go anywhere for awhile.

Bring your hoodie to BKB Gowanus, 575 Degraw St., or the new Queensbridge facility at 23-10 41st Ave., Long Island City, through Feb. 20th.

Hoodies for the Homeless is an organization started by Brooklyn native and former Marine Tavi Eaton last year. Eaton’s band PUSHMETHOD is playing a hoodie drive show at the Queensbridge gym on Feb. 12 too.

Tim Donnelly :