Sunday special: $27 Brooklyn Bridge tattoos

Hankering for a permanent reminder of your love affair with Brooklyn? Sunday’s your deeply-discounted chance, courtesy of the inking wizards at Brooklyn Tattoo. The Brooklyn Bridge turns 127 this month, and the Smith St. tattoo artists are honoring the edifice with $27 bridge tattoos. At least 15 designs will be available, and the one-day price is a steep drop-off  from the usual $75-$130. The sale’s from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and it’s first-come, first-served.

For those not quite ready to say “til death us do part,” t-shirts and signed & numbered design sheets will also be for sale.

Brooklyn Tattoo, 99 Smith St. at Atlantic Ave.

Via the skint.

Alex Weisler :