Someone in Manhattan giving away ‘hundreds’ of free piñatas

Ain’t no party like a piñata party. Photo by Megan Lovett

You need certain things to have a really, really good party. A disco ball. A willingness for your party guests to take their pants off. Kickin’ jams. Tons of beers. Another thing that will help you achieve party success is a piñata, but how can you afford that if you’ve spent all your money on booze? Well, you can head to Manhattan this weekend, where someone is giving away hundreds of piñatas. Enough piñatas, in fact, to fill up three entire rooms. “What kind of piñatas, though?” you’re asking, because you’re ungrateful. All sorts, according to the listing. Big ones, small ones, horses, “spongbob squarepants [sic] and all that shit.” They also don’t come with candy, but that’s fine, because seriously, you can just go to this building in Manhattan and walk away with an armful of piñatas.

If you want some of them though, just note you’ll have to call this person’s assistant, Tina, first, at (917)817-6422. Because according to the person who put the ad up, “I’m not trying to get shot by wackos on the internet over fucking Pinatas.” We aren’t either, just for the record.

David Colon :