Categories: Outings

Sing karaoke, sans pants, and 13 other free things to do this week

Just like doing karaoke in your apartment, but there are strangers there
Just like doing karaoke in your apartment, but there are strangers there

1. Take a free dance class at BRIC, since you’re obviously tired of being humiliated by the youth when you go out dancing (Monday)

2. The Simpsons Club gets in the spirit of the season with an all Treehouse of Horror screening, including the very first one (Tuesday)

3. Good Luck Karaoke is karaoke, with free pizza. So now you don’t have to make the tough choice between the two (Monday)

4. Finally, a chance to hear a talk on the film career of Wes Anderson, a guy we’re sure you don’t talk much about (Tuesday)

5. Female writers come to powerHouse to read essays about their complicated relationship with New York, in the vein of Joan Didion’s “Goodbye to All That.”

6. Greenlight’s Cookbook Club has its first meeting, this one centered around a book about foraging for ingredients. So show up looking like you’re covered in dirt (Tuesday)

7. Speaking of foraging for ingredients, Tandem has a drag show that’s organic, locally sourced and free-range. No word on whether there are no GMO, but wouldn’t it be kind of cool if there were? (Tuesday)

8. Videology’s all-day horror movies does a day of classic horror movies, so find out how Hollywood used to scare your grandparents, aside from the specter of being Communist infiltrators (Wednesday)

9. The Nevermind Orchestra is a brass band that plays Nirvana covers and they’re playing at Spike Hill. So if you have “mosh while someone plays a tuba” on your bucket list, this is the place to be (Thursday)

10. See the Best American Infographics of 2013, including a special one that will be there titled “Bad Things That Can Happen To You if You Do Something Else Tonight” (Thursday)

11. Go to Launchpad and get that screenplay of yours a decent critique, so you don’t spend two months laboring under the delusion you’re writing the next Citizen Kane. Especially since right now, your script looks like the next Gigl (Thursday)

12. BAM and IFC have some free comedy for you that they’d like to get out there, so don’t be rude, check it out (Thursday)

13. Check out some album art from the world of extreme black metal at Gristle. Just make sure it doesn’t swallow your soul (Friday)

14. Bootyoke is just like karaoke, except you do it in your underwear at Union Hall. Finally, a bar that doesn’t expect you to wear pants (Friday)

David Colon :

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