6 awesome things you can buy at Shwick Market’s closing sale

Just tell everyone you caught a mermaid. via Instagram

We’re super bummed to see Shwick Market closing. The organizers were genuine, they hired Richard Burroughs (of Dick & Dave fame) every weekend for their musical needs, participated in Bushwick Open Studios and the goods were a cornucopia of strange, random, delicious and useful. But now they’re closing, and part of that involves trimming the fat by selling off a bunch of stuff they don’t need anymore.

Don’t think of it as a yard sale, consider this a fundraiser as the organizers affable Christopher Carew and his wife are looking for another venue to keep the market of makers alive. Help jumpstart their relaunch by buying the random trappings of a Brooklyn-born flea market. If you see something you like, don’t hesitate, because we can’t imagine this stuff will be available all that long. Shwick’s Facebook page has a list of what they’re selling off, but we picked our favorite things we think you should grab at their closing sale, like a mermaid cutout, a Ms. Pac-Man machine and even a bouncy castle:

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$1 records
There’s nothing like a little crate digging to satisfy your lust for deals, and while there’s no guarantee that every record you grab from this collection will be a banger, the worst thing you can say if you pick up a bum record is that you’re out a dollar.

Mermaid Cardboard Cutout, $10 
Didn’t get adorned in body paint or tassels for this year’s Mermaid Parade? Don’t get caught next year without a costume. Grab some scissors, sparkly crap, your Fashion Design major at FIT roommate and work this mermaid cutout into an ingenious design local media and parade goers can gawk over.


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Bunny Costume, $25
Again, you’re creative. You didn’t go into debt for almost $100k at NYU to not be able to figure out another occasion other than Easter and Halloween to wear this gem, did you?! Or you can use it to get your furry fetish on. Either way we’re not judging you. (Ok, maybe just a little.)


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Bouncy castle, $200
Oh what, you’re just gonna wait around until another one shows up on Craigslist? Yeah, good luck with that. Meanwhile, someone is gonna pool together $200 with their roommates and be the proud new owner of a freakin bouncy castle. And it could have been you and your roommates instead…


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2 Technics 1200 turntables, $450 each
We’ll take Super Useful Music Paraphernalia for $450 Alex. The aspiring and professional DJs are sure to find this turntable hella useful as its one of the industry’s most popular brands, and will usually run you a lot more than $450.


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Ms. Pac-Man machine, $1k Or Best Offer
That’s one of the good things about being older. You got the chance to enjoy the sweet, sweet sound and smell (?) of accumulating quarters for a few rounds of Ms. Pac Man. What does the new generation know about feeding a week’s worth of allowance for the chance to beat a complete stranger only known as DRL81 in Space Invaders, Donkey Kong or Street Mortal Kombat? What do they know?! You can relive the memories, or if you’re too young just revel in a retro revival in your living room for a mere* $1k or best offer.

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Fikriyyah George :