Show and Tell (and Trade) is tomorrow, and now it has free beer and food

Damn if Show and Tell (and Trade) tomorrow isn’t gonna be awesome. After being delayed for two weeks, you just know that Ben Anastas is chomping at the bit to read his memoir to you and you’ve all had plenty of time to find something interesting to tell a story about. Plus, maybe you don’t remember our original post about the event (it was like a hundred years ago), but the promised food and drink have been revealed and they’re free!

Because we love you, we’re giving away free beer from Brooklyn Brewery and free food from Fat Beagle. This is in addition to getting to hang at an event hosted by Dan Kennedy, of The Moth and listen to some great stories and then be really happy for three lucky people that go home with Kindles (but be secretly jealous).

To refresh your memories about the event: Bring something from home that is intersting and has a good story behind it. But be prepared to trade it with someone, because everyone there swaps their interesting objects. Ben Anastas is going to be reading from his memoir Too Good to Be True, and after he does that, him and Dan Kennedy will pick the ten most interesting objects. Those ten lucky ducks will go up on stage and tell the stories of their stuff, and the three best storytellers win a Kindle. Holy moly! If that sounds as good to you as it does to us, RSVP right here.

If you can’t make it tomorrow but still really want to win a Kindle, well, you’re in luck. Our contest seeking Brooklyn literary puns is running for one more day, so if you have punning in your blood, get over there and blow us away really, really impress us.

Show & Tell (and Trade) @ Krrb HQ, Thursday, November 15, 7pm, 99 Richardson Street, 2nd Floor

David Colon :