Resolve to write, for cheap: discounted Sacket Street Workshop registration

Could SSW teacher Courtney Elizabeth Mack’s wry smile be the key to unlocking your novel’s potential? via The Collagist

Now that you can’t use the impending end of the world as impetus for finishing your long-gestating novel (the story of a man, a motorcycle and the shale fields of northwestern Canada), you might be worried about your efforts slacking in 2013. Fear not! Brooklyn’s Sackett Street Writer’s Workshop is here to whip your flabby writing brain into shape. Taught by professional writers, teachers and editors who all have MFAs, the Sackett Street workshop offers you an Iowa Writers’ Workshop experience minus the getting lost in a cornfield every weekend. And through midnight, they’re offering discounts to anyone who signs up, new student or returning student.

The workshop, which covers subjects like fiction, non-fiction and novel writing and MFA Prep among other subjects, is offering $50 off the registration fee for returning students and $25 off for new ones. And with locations all over Brooklyn, now you’ve got no excuse to put your half-finished manuscript up to the eyes of your peers.

David Colon :