Categories: contests

Reminder: Still time to win free tax prep from Brass Taxes!

Russ will still help you avoid the wrath of the IRS and still present you with delicious food options
Russ will still help you avoid the wrath of the IRS and still present you with delicious food options

[sponsored_by name=”Brass Taxes” url=”” logo=”×60.jpg” byline=”Brass Taxes was created to make taxes suck less for freelancers, artists, and other nice people.”]

Hey! Remember when we told you about our awesome contest in which you can win free tax preparation from Brass Taxes? And remember how much you HATE doing taxes? Good thing the contest is still going, huh? Because if you win, it’s totally worth it. Instead of taking three-plus hours of your time and $100-plus for TurboTax, you give all your tax documents to Rus, talk about what you do, and, presto, he comes back with a fully-filed return and mucho bucks for you.

Even if you’re not making that much money freelancing now, you can still deduct lots of things on your road to self-sufficiency. Writing classes? Yep. Notebooks filled with sitcom ideas? No prob. Trips to the Met to improve your graphic design skills? You bet. Rus knows what will fly with the IRS and what won’t, so head on over to the Brass Taxes website and check out his process.

If you’re still wary of spending money on a tax preparer, we’re giving away one free tax prep with Rus, a $200 value! Opt in to Rus’s mailing list and you could have your 1099 woes swept away by a kindred freelance spirit. For more chances to win, follow Rus on Twitter, like him on Facebook, tell your friends, or retweet the contest. (Oh, and if you file your taxes with Rus now and win the contest later, he’ll refund your money.)

[rafflecopter id=”rc-6b7a7a7″]

David Colon :