ISIS what you did there: ‘Archer’ live tickets on sale at noon

We’re kinda freaking out a little too, to be honest

Did you miss out on the fun when the Archer live tour swung into New York and left hilarious destruction and awkward sexual encounters in its wake? No need to punish yourself by eating a big bowl of spiderwebs, because you’ve got a second chance to experience the magic of Sterling Archer’s legendary dickishness when the cast drops in for another New York show at the end of the month.

Sadly, you still have to visit KGB headquarters Manhattan for the show, as it’s at the Best Buy Theatre. So much for Barclays bringing us world-class entertainment, huh? But, this is worth it, especially since in addition to H. Jon Benjamin and Aisha Tyler, Lucky Yates, voice of possibly cloned Hitler/certified lunatic Dr. Kreiger, will be there. Tickets go on sale at noon, here,  for the March 29 show, so start refreshing the page at 11:59 so you can beat the rush for tickets, if there is one. And seriously guys, if you’re gonna do another one of these and you don’t do it in Brooklyn, can you at least give us a Frisky Dingo reunion reading at the Bell House?

David Colon :