People caught living illegally on a boat in, where else, Bushwick

Police sketch of the suspects

We know that rents are high around here, historically high even, and that people are looking for any and all ways to live cheap. But we guess a Dumpster is too cramped for some people, because a group of artists living illegally on a boat in Bushwick (of course) were just given the heave-ho from the boat. What the hell, we thought de Blasio’s New York was gonna be a free-for-all of do what you feel.

The boat, which it should be noted had a fucking hot tub on it, was broken up into nine bedrooms and docked in the Newtown Creek, near Morgan Avenue and Stagg Street. According to the Fire Department, it was used as workspace and a space to live in. Which is what happens of course when things get too staid at the McKibbin Lofts. Apparently you can’t live on a boat, especially one jacking electricity from a vacant lot, and has candles in close proximity to paint and gasoline cans. Come on guys, think about it.

As of press time, lawyers for the artists and the city were arguing in court as to whether Newtown Creek constituted enough of a “sea”  to require the charges be dropped, under the so-called “Zuckercorn Defense.

David Colon :

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  • Makes me wonder about the sailboat that has been docked in the Gowanus Canal, near 4th Street, for the past few months, near the Whole Foods construction site. Maybe they are waiting for provisions.