Omar rappin’: Michael K. Williams peforming ‘Brooklyn Zoo’

So here’s a reason you should go to every Sandy benefit ever: Michael K. Williams, best known for playing Omar on The Wire, happened to show up to one at Brooklyn Bowl so he could bust out his best Ol’ Dirty Bastard impression. Williams, who’s playing Dirt Dog in an upcoming biopic, passed on doing “Got Your Money” and instead went straight for the rawness that is “Brooklyn Zoo.”

He’s the ODB as you can see

It all makes sense to us, considering Wu-Tang and The Wire are two of the most bad-ass ensembles of all time. Williams seems to have a habit of just popping up and blasting his way into the things we love, so we look forward to his next sighting at a kickball game or vegan bake-off. [via The AV Club]

David Colon :