Categories: Outings

MarBINGO Tennenbaum: Wes Anderson bingo tonight at Videology

Here’s the story/of an effed up family. via Reelizer

We previously brought you the news that Videology was becoming more than just a video store, with the addition of a bar and events to draw people in. And true to their word, they’re hosting a great event for film nerds tonight: Wes Anderson Bingo. Despite the fact that it’s being sponsored by the arch-contrarians at Slate, the game night doesn’t appear to be some kind of weird bingo where you have to not fill in pieces of the board. As you watch The Royal Tennenbaums, you’ll be able to fill in a bingo card full of Anderson tropes like “pajamas,” “overhead shot,” and “Luke Wilson.”  Winners can go home with Anderson-themed swag like red-knit caps and handmade 60s brit-pop mix-tapes. Sounds like the perfect event to invite these guys to.

Videology, 8:30pm, 308Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg

David Colon :