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Lewis Black says what we’re all thinking: ‘F%^# Texas’

What anger problem? via Facebook

It’s Friday, it’s hot out, so what could make you feel better about all of that than 40 seconds of New Yorkers of all stripes declaring “Fuck Texas”? Apparently sick of living caricature of himself Rick Perry strutting around telling other states how great his state is (but they have the coolest city in America!), Lewis Black put together this ad for The Daily Show full of New York pride, New York food, New York peeing in public and a perfect cross-section of New Yorkers telling Texas to sit and spin in a variety of languages. The two best lines, at least to our mind:

1. “Remember the Alamo? Neither do we. Fuck Texas!”
2. “You say we’ve got too much regulation? We’ve got Wall Street. They break the law for a living and never get punished.”

David Colon :