Learn from blogging’s best, for less, with this code for $50 off admission to Indie Media Camp

A whole lot of blog learning going on. Photo by Julia Cawley

Despite the fact that there are few, possibly no, barriers to entry when it comes to the exciting world of internet media, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. There are things you have to know, like whether venture capital is important or a smart thing to get, how to spread your viral posts like an uncontrollable virus through social media and how to get good photos with your crappy spacephone camera. Good thing for you that Brooklyn Based is helping teach you all that at Indie Media Camp again this year, and better for you that as a Brokelyn reader, you can get $50 off admission with a discount code we’ve got for you.

If you want to learn from established internet luminaries like Fusion’s Dodai Stewart, Sheepshead Bites’ Ned Berke, Bushwick Daily’s Katarina Hybenova and non-internet person but good photographer Justin Linn of BKC Brooklyn Central, all you have to do is buy a ticket to Indie Media Camp, which is going down on Wednesday, November 19 at 501 Union in Gowanus. Usually, that would run you $150, but because the organizers know that you’re both hungry for success and too broke for dinner, they’re offering you a $99 ticket by following this link or using the code “Brokelyn” if you get to the ticket page another way.

Beyond all the learning, you’ll also be able to network (and drink) with other people interested in blogging and new media and even some people interested in advertising on or partnering with your new media platform. If you want some advice from us, we went last year and regret not bringing advertising contracts to get people to sign after a few too many at the post-panel drinks. So…go prepared, hint hint.

David Colon :