Categories: Outings

Go outside!

Oh snap, that summer 2k12 mix isn’t due to drop for another two months, but the leak hit the streets today! It’s going to be damn near 90. Skip out of the office and take your computer to one of the new wifi-enabled parks. Get a meal and a drink at one of these 14 best open-air eateries. Go work out for free outside. Chill some vinho verde and take it to the stoop (but don’t get busted!). Go jump in to a pickup game of frisbee, basketball or kickball. Go visit the nicest toilet in Brooklyn, which just opened for the season on Saturday. Grab your stick and hit the waves in Rockaway. Take an under-$20 bike tour of Brighton Beach and have drunk Russian guys yell at you on the boardwalk. Grab a date and shove some delicious Brooklyn ice cream in their face. And if it gets too hot, you can always grab the hottest firefighter you find and get them to open a fire hydrant for you.

Hotchy motchy!
Tim Donnelly :