Dating app Dapper will send you on a free date for the new year

Prepare to be wooed

Online dating’s a bit of a crapshoot, especially when you factor in how the internet seems to help people be even flakier and creepier than they otherwise might be. On top of that, the dates we actually manage to snag end up being pricey, as we learned quickly after our sweet gesture of bringing Franzia to a date fell flat. If your New Year’s resolution is to go on real dates with non-felons without needing to take out a loan, there’s hope. Matchmaking app Dapper will be setting up dates at wine bars around Manhattan and providing free drinks from now until January 15.

Dapper says they take a lot of guesswork out of dating, since they schedule your date and pick a spot for you, perfect for those of you who lead on-the-go swipestyles. You tell them your schedule and they send you matches they think might me worthy of your presence, then set you up in a classy bar and buys your first drink. They pick a bar in the woman’s neighborhood of choice, and as far as we can tell Dapper only sets up straight couples (booo).

Dapper collects feedback from dates and makes men sign a Gentleman Pledge, whereby they promise to curb their creepiness at the risk of having their membership revoked. We’re not sure who’s left in the online dating pool when the creeps have been filtered out, but it’s nice to see a dating site at least trying to try, and offer to waive their $14 fee for a little while in the process. Still, it’s nice to see a dating app attempting quality control, even if it doesn’t provide as wonderful screenshot potential as Tinder.

Camille Lawhead :

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