Following the great success of their last benefit discount tattoo event, Party to Protect is back with another day of cheap tats and performances in the name of benefiting a cause the Trump administration is opposed to: The well-being of the Earth.
Tattoo to Protect the Planet for Earthjustice will set up its pop-up salon at the same venue as last time, Greenpoint’s Magick City at 37 Box St., with $60 black ink only flash sheet tattoos available from noon to 6pm privy four artists from Williamsburg’s Magic Cobra Tattoo Society on Tuesday, April 25. All proceeds will go to Earthjustice, a nonprofit organization devoted to representing environmental cases pro bono, “because the Earth needs a good lawyer.”

Following tat time will be party time from 6:30pm to midnight half a block away at Saint Vitus. The party portion has a $15 + service fee cover and tickets can be purchased online. There is no cover for tattoos besides the standard $60 price, which is cash only.
Tats will be given on a first come, first served basis. At the last Party to Protect discount tattoo fundraiser, which benefited Planned Parenthood, the event didn’t start until 2pm but if you weren’t in line by noon, you were out of luck. So if you’re serious about getting ink this time around, get there early.
(You need to be 18+ to get ink and 21+ to dance afterwards.)