Get a free month of the digital Times, if you pick up next Sunday’s paper

This could be you!

We give the New York Times some guff here sometimes, but we guff because we love. All of the hipster baiting and strange Citi Bike editorials in the world can’t take away from their actual great reporting. If you’ve been missing out on it because you don’t want to pay, good news: you can get a month of free access to the Times‘ website if you pick up next Sunday’s paper.

FishbowlNY shares the news that the Times, in an effort to sink their liberal claws into more decent Americans, will leave a coupon for one free month of access to their website, and through spacephones and tablets in November 3’s paper. After that month, you’ll have to see if you can live without reporting on Obamacare foibles and the whole goddamn world being angry at us.

Fishbowl makes a note that just rifling through the paper to grab the coupon isn’t acceptable, and we agree, it’s pretty gauche. On the other hand, taking your neighbor’s paper if it’s still on the stoop after 11 is just fine by us. You snooze, you lose.

David Colon :