Get a free extra month of BAM Cinema Club through October

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We’re big fans of BAM, and the Fort Greene institution’s been pretty good to us too. And now, for the next 10 days or so, they’re running a deal to win over more loyal fans. As part of a membership drive, until Oct. 31, BAM is offering an extra month on all of its year-long BAM Cinema Club memberships. The memberships run from Movie Buff, where you get $5 off every ticket for one person (previously $4 off), to Movie Mogul II, where two people see every movie free (of course, for $700, you have to see A LOT of movies). Whatever you buy, do it in October, and get 13 months for the price of 12. And along with the deal, comes your entrance into BAM’s raffle for a chance at a membership upgrade for a year of free movies. If you’re already a Mogul, well then… maybe they’ll give you a seat plaque or something. Here’s where to sign up.

Jennifer Holder :