‘Gender Neutral’ beer launches from Gowanus’ Threes Brewing

Photo via Threes Brewing

In most people’s minds, beer likely has a male personification. Due to a variety of societal factors and associations – beer bellies, frat parties, cracking open a cold one with the boys – as well as perhaps the contrastingly curve-less shape of a can, beer is often considered predominantly a masculine dude drink (thanks, patriarchy!). Booze was not in fact put on this earth for exclusively male consumption, no matter what the CDC will have you believe.


Cracking open a cold one with the boys. One meme of many

Now, in honor of gay pride month, Gowanus brewery Threes Brewing has created a beer that refuses to market itself to one gender alone. “Gender Neutral” is a pale lager with lemon zest, and its label touts a rainbow. Literally naming the beer Gender Neutral is a significant step in the right direction, seeing as previous attempts at beer gender neutrality (really, just panning for a female market) have included a low carb Heineken, and a “bloat-resistant” lager from Coors.

In celebration of Gender Neutral’s release, Threes Brewing will be hosting a beer launch and pre-pride party on Thursday the 22nd from 5pm to midnight at their Gowanus brewery on 333 Douglass St. The Human Rights Are Gender Neutral party will feature a DJ set, merch, and “lots of love in the air.” The beer’s pre-sale will begin June 14th.


Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.