Department of Shameless Self-Promotion: Stretch is back!

You guys might remember a few months back that I got myself run over by a car shortly before the release of the latest issue of my literary magazine, stretch. It was a great way to promote it, but seeing as how I don’t have another six weeks to spend sitting in a wheelchair, I’m going to go with a more traditional PR route this time. Our long-gestating sixth issue hits the streets on Thursday, and we’re having a party at Brooklyn LaunchPad to celebrate. Along with readings from Annie Horanyi, Robert Tumas, Brokelyn’s own budding media superstar Karina Briski and myself, there’ll be FREE wine and beer and camaraderie to spare. Come by and say hello, meet a few of your favorite Brokelyn authors and maybe even be pleasantly surprised by the fact that I’m not a complete asshole (as a Brokelyn contributor once told me after meeting me).

stretch 6 release party: Brooklyn LaunchPad, 721 Franklin Avenue, Crown Heights, 8pm. FREE!

Follow David and send him your submissions: @HerbertHarper.

David Colon :

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