Another dream job alert: Manage Greenpoint’s adorable bookstore

Stephanie is leaving all this behind. Via BitchcakesNY.

Looks like it’s jobs week here at Brokelyn. Stephanie Anderson, manager of Greenpoint’s Word bookstore, is leaving at the end of June to take a job at a public library in Connecticut. Which means you can apply for her job to live out your Meg-Ryan-You’ve-Got-Mail fantasies of running a cute bookstore in a quaint neighborhood. And since the shop seems to be doing quite well, you won’t get that whole chased-out-of-business-by-Tom-Hanks part. 

To apply, send a resume to info@wordbrooklyn.com. The store is seeking a new manager with recent bookstore experience and preferably management experience.

[via ShelfAwareness]

Tim Donnelly :