Deal of the day: get cheap baseball tickets even cheaper

If you ever need something to talk about with Paul Auster, talk about Lucas Duda. Photo by Howard Simmons for the New York Daily News

We’d apologize for the higher frequency of baseball-related posts here that will be coming up as the weather warms up, but we wouldn’t mean it. Especially since New York is facing the prospect of having not just one, but TWO disappointing baseball teams this year. And that means more deals and cheap tickets as the teams are desperate to fill their stadiums. Yeah, we’re talking to you, Yankee fans. Fortunately, a new Amazon Local deal fell into our inbox today that allows you to get already cheap baseball tickets for even cheaper.

ScoreBig is an internet ticket service that sells “undersold” entertainment tickets, aka “shit no one wants because cheesey Pete do those guys suck” they buy from venues and sell to you the fan at a discount. And AmazonLocal has talked them into selling a $30 credit towards their tickets for $7. Their site works a little bit like Priceline’s system of naming your own price, except instead of jetting off somewhere fantastic and romantic if your price for the already discounted ticket is accepted, you’re off to the South Bronx or Flushing! Which are actually nice neighborhoods. The deal isn’t limited to only baseball, but since New York’s hockey and basketball teams are actually good, the thirty bucks will no doubt go furthest at a baseball diamond.

Anyway, Mets tickets are already under $30 on the site despite the fact that the season hasn’t even started yet, so you can basically see Paul Auster’s favorite Met, outfielder Lucas Duda for just $7. And yes Yankee fans, if things go as bad for you guys as they have this spring, that $30 credit towards a ticket should stretch a lot farther than it would have in the dynasty days.

David Colon :