Craigslist freebie of the day: Bushwick pillow-pocalypse

The actual photo that accompanies this ad

At this moment in Bushwick, right near the McKibbin lofts, there is a 14′ U-Haul truck parked on the street. The back of the truck is open and inside is hundreds and hundreds of pillows. You can go take as many as you want, at least according to this Craigslist ad today. The truck will be parked all day; as of 10:30am, there were about 800 left, and the poster says “the pillows will not run out.” Whether this is some sort of My Blue Heaven-esque stolen good scheme or just an elaborate ruse by the Bedbug Godfather to infiltrate your home, we’ll let you decide. Although our chances of returning to the McKibben lofts will be greatly increased if there is a giant pillow fort involved.

Tim Donnelly :