Category: Carroll Gardens/ Cobble Hill

Catch our pal Sue Smith’s all-female comedy show ‘Tits & Giggles’ every other Wednesday

Female comics are making gains and causing laughter all over Brooklyn, with names like Jo Firestone, Charla Lauriston, Sasheer Zamata,…

DUFFLESS! Fox pulls the plug on beloved Gowanus Yacht Club cheap beer

Just as the groundhog portends winter, the opening of the Gowanus Yacht Club portends a sweet, sultry summer filled with…

Summer days are here again: The Gowanus Yacht Club opens today!

This maybe wasn't the coldest or the snowiest winter we've ever had, but the fact that it just never seemed…

Carroll Gardens’ Black Gold Records is selling thousands of $1 LPs Saturday

If you enjoy digging through crates and elbowing people out of your way to find something cool, we've got a…

Brucie breaks out Beyonce-themed Valentine’s Day menu

Were you planning on going out to eat for Valentine's Day? You could go with boring, regularly-named meal items like…

Bars We Love: Great Scott, it’s Bar Great Harry!

Bar Great Harry 280 Smith Street (Corner of Sackett) Carroll Gardens (718) 222-1103 What it is: A divey oasis from…

An insider’s guide to moving in Brooklyn: Carroll Gardens

[sponsored_by name="Ideal Properties Group" url="http://idealpropertiesgroup.com/" logo="https://brokelyn.com/app/uploads/2013/07/Ideal120x60.png" byline="Nobody is better equipped to help you make your messy roommate history than Ideal…

An insider’s guide to moving to Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill

In Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill, bar specials, proximity to Trader Joe's and boutiques with overflowing sale racks help compensate…

Buzzkill Cobble Hill neighbors hate sexy public shower

Despite the fact that it's been getting slowly sanitized, you can still find pockets of weirdness in New York. A…

Cheap vinyl alert, part II: Black Gold holding $1 LP sale Saturday

So you read about the Library's cheap record sale, but you haven't been able to get over there yet, and…