Catch our pal Sue Smith’s all-female comedy show ‘Tits & Giggles’ every other Wednesday

Sue laughing at the concept of adding some dudes to the line up. via Facebook

Female comics are making gains and causing laughter all over Brooklyn, with names like Jo Firestone, Charla Lauriston, Sasheer Zamata, Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer standing out as some can’t-miss names in comedy. Our pal Sue Smith, who you might know from Brokelandia, her useful and informative posts or even Best Week Ever, belongs on that list too, especially since she hosts Tits & Giggles, a free show featuring the best female standups in the city every other Wednesday at Cobble Hill’s People’s Republic of Brooklyn (247 Smith Street). And hey, tonight is one of those Wednesdays.

The People’s Republic of Brooklyn is becoming a great comedy incubator, considering they also host Manifesto! every Tuesday night, and you know that they have good taste if they’re giving the reigns to Sue every other week. The show tonight, which again is free, goes from 8pm to 10pm, and will feature Sue, her co-host Ana Drezen and comedians Sarah Hartshorne, Mary Houlihan, Andrea Shapiro and Sarah Tollemache.

Given that Wednesdays are usually just seen as being in the way of Thursdays, with nothing else to offer, we think you should try to get some laughs in. At the very least, by going to the show you’re supporting the dismantling of the patriarchy in comedy, which like dismantling patriarchies in every case, is just a great idea.

David Colon :

View Comments (1)

  • All female comedy show, well there's an oxymoron!
    You know, you can never get enough jokes about menstruation and boyfriends.
    But seriously, I like comedy that's not hurtful or mean.