Even though some of us here at Team Brokelyn are nerd-sympathizers, this 5,000-square-foot comics warehouse in Sunset Park has somehow escaped our notice until now. We just spotted a flyer for what promises to be a huge sale at Koch Comics this Saturday and Sunday. The website for it is a bit of a hot mess, but it advertises more than 200,000 comics for $1, 10,000 trades for $6, a table of freebies and a free snack bar. And if anyone knows how to snack, it is comic book fans. The list of items also includes Willie Nelson bumper stickers, Doctor Who magazines, a mint Barry Bonds rookie card, Fat Albert board game and Mortal Kombat frisbees. So basically your own special budget comic con right in your back yard.
Koch Comics is at 206 41st Street at Second Avenue in Sunset Park. It’s open on Saturday and Sunday from 11am-7pm.
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I can't tell if this spot has good future-husband potential or the opposite.
It's a very, very fine line these days between neckbeards and future Obamas.
Thanks to all who joined our party last weekend. Next sale is October 6-7. ALWAYS open by appointment.