$30 sword class Groupon cheap, innovative way to protect your neck

nyc sword classes
They’ll never see it coming!

Despite the fact that New York City is historically safe, it doesn’t mean that there’s no danger around here. Someone might follow you home and punch you in the back of the head for no reason. Or you might get shaken down for just five dollars. Given all the danger around here, and New York’s strict gun control laws, you need to find a different way to protect yourself. Hey, how about swords? Don’t know how to use one? Now you can learn on the cheap, thanks to a Groupon for three samurai sword classes at Sword Class NYC for just $30.

Just think about how intimidating you’ll be when someone tries to make you a victim of crime, only for you to whip out a perfectly sharpened samurai sword or German longsword. Sure you could do that without taking a class, but what good is a sword if you don’t actually know how to use it? And while maybe you won’t be an expert after just three classes, you’ll still know better than the person standing across from you who doesn’t have a sword, right? Right.

Just a note, if you buy the five-lesson Groupon, you get a sword to take home after the third class. Presumably so you can wander the streets protecting the innocent from street crime. That five-class Groupon costs a little more, but being an effective vigilante is priceless. Just something to think about.

David Colon :

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