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2 Broke Girls ep. 11 recap: The real horsewives of Brooklyn

Chestnut the horse is rocking some jeggings.

Last night’s 2 Broke Girls was focused on the show’s one broke horse. With winter coming, Max and Caroline need to find a place to keep Chestnut safe and warm (because it’s a recession for horses, too — think about it!). The girls decide to hand over custody to Peaches (the super rich woman who employs Max as a nanny), because she wants to adopt an animal in order to get cast on Real Housewives of TriBeCa. While the whole horse-in-the-backyard thing has been a big point of ridicule for 2 Broke Girls, this episode used Chestnut to show how deeply Max and Caroline care about their little dysfunctional family, and it was one of the best 2BGs yet. So … what did they say about Brooklyn?


Backyard Back-Ups: One of the wonders of Brooklyn (that has been touched on in these recaps before) is that it can offer outdoor space to backyard newbies. While most people here don’t immediately go and put a horse in theirs, there are probably many BK citizens who don’t consider what they’ll do with their fancy grills and chez lounges come December … until it’s too late! When I moved into my apartment in May, I even found a working lighter in the backyard that had definitely survived a whole New York winter.

DIY Coats: Caroline gives her warm winter coat to Chestnut, so she has to craft a poncho out of a trashbag to protect herself from the snow. Serious coats are seriously expensive, so there are plenty of tried-and-true alternatives that can help you bide time before you really have to lay down the money for one. Like, try this combo: long-sleeved shirt + button-down sweater + scarf + Forever21 fall jacket.

Auditioning for the Real Housewives of TriBeCa.

S.A.D.: When winter hits New York, so does the angst! And Max and Caroline immediately got in the spirit by getting as gloomy as the weather. Their emotions in this episode (Max cries when she has to say bb to Chestnut!) were stronger than ever. Also, more believable than ever. Hooray for feelings.


In a Flash: When some customers accidentally leave their camera at the diner, Max gives it to Oleg so he’ll take a dick pic that they’ll find on there after it’s returned. This was highly unbelievable, because those customers are not getting their camera back. Everyone knows that when you leave a camera, phone, wallet, or Metrocard anywhere int he city, it immediately gets pulled into the void, never to be seen again.

Get caught up on episodes 1-10.

Follow Ariel: @ArielKarlin.

Ariel Karlin :

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  • one time i dropped my husband's monthly metrocard at a cafe (borrowing it like a true brokelynster), walked out and had a heart attack when i tried to get on the subway. i went back to the cafe in a panic AND THE CASHIER PULLED IT OUT AND WAS LIKE WHY, IS THIS YOUR METROCARD??
    !!!!! it was a christmas miracle in september.