Tag: cbs

Time Warner giving out rabbit ears so you can get CBS back

Do you have cable TV? You do? What are you, some kinda Rockefeller? Well, however it is you manage to…

Jobs now scarce enough they’re reality show prizes

To paraphrase a comedian from The Moon show last month, it is probably a sad state of the economy that…

A Twitter census on the state of 2 Broke Girls

Last night's episode of 2 Broke Girls was a repeat. Boo, but more importantly YAY! During my half an hour…

2 Broke Girls episode 12 recap: Easy break oven

In last's night episode of supposedly "America's number one new comedy" our favorite 2 Broke Girls find themselves with a…

2 Broke Girls ep. 11 recap: The real horsewives of Brooklyn

Last night's 2 Broke Girls was focused on the show's one broke horse. With winter coming, Max and Caroline need…

2 Broke Girls episode 5 recap: Flash mob & 90s horse party

2 Broke Girls made great strides rando horse gallops this week in its depiction of Williamsburg. Instead of seeming like…

2 Broke Girls episode 4 recap: Hold it until you get to work

2 Broke Girls did not get off to an unracist start this week, with characters affectionately referring to each other…

2 Broke Girls episode 2 recap: Everyone fall on your sword

As a broke lady waitressing while pursuing other passions, you would think that 2 Broke Girls is right up my alley. I…

Tonight: Will ‘Williamsburg’ wow CBS? Or will we see BS?

Tonight, we know you'll be turning on your CBS to catch the premier of the guy who invented the trucker…

Does 2 Broke Girls pass the Brokelyn test?

You’ve known about the concept of being broke in Brooklyn for years. But with this fall’s CBS show 2 Broke…