Join Zimride today and win a $50 round-trip ride from NYC to DC

Find your Thelma for the ultimate road trip on Zimride.com

[sponsored_by name=”Zimride” url=”http://www.zimride.com/landing?lp=dc-passenger&utm_source=PPR&utm_medium=D&utm_campaign=Brokelyn&utm_content=box” logo=”http://brokelyn.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/app/uploads/2012/07/120x60_logo.png” byline=”As the largest ridesharing company in America, Zimride makes sharing rides with strangers cool (and safe).”]

Road trip! Something about cruising down a vast open highway with tunes cranking that just screams “AMERICA!” But every Dean needs a Sal, each Thelma a Louise, riding shotgun to manage the playlist, scavenge the backseat for toll change, and take over navigation when you get sick of listening to the British chick recalculating.

If you have a car and are planning a trip, Zimride can help you find a co-pilot and even make a little traveling cash. Passengers can get a cheaper, friendlier alternative to Chinatown buses. Through Zimride’s Facebook-integrated social network, drivers set a price per seat for a specific date and destination and passengers contact the driver if they are interested. It’s a win-win for eveyone, so enter today for a chance to win a FREE round trip Zimride from NY-DC!

Because Zimride members are required to login with Facebook, passengers and drivers can vet each other with a level of assurance that you’re not dealing with a total anonymous creep-o. Users can compare mutual friends and common interests and chat about the important stuff (e.g., confirmation of valid drivers license, insurance, soundtrack for the ride, luggage space, etc.) before committing to four hours in the car together. After the ride is complete, users are encouraged to leave feedback for each other on their Zimride profile (see eBay, Airbnb, etc.) so that over time they will build reputations as five star travel companions.

The Zimride dashboard at work.

Use Zimride to find a caravan to Burning Man, or out to Montauk for the weekend, or take your Brooklyn Boulders skills up to the ‘gunks for some climbing. Save money, reduce your carbon footprint & possibly make some new friends. (Standard shotgun rules apply.)

Registration is free and as part of their official East Coast launch, Zimride is giving away 10 free round-trip rides from Brooklyn to Washington, DC ($50 equivalent) to Brokelyn readers. Click here to enter and don’t forget to set up your driver or passenger profile today using the registration code “BROKELYN.”

For full contest rules click here.


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