Tag: rideshare

Ride in the devil’s car (an Uber) for $5 this Labor Day weekend

If you read us, you know we spend a lot of time railing against our least favorite Not Car Service,…

Brooklyn needs you for ride shares!

Do you have a car and want to help out? Are you heading to areas like Sheepshead Bay or Coney…

Join Zimride today and win a $50 round-trip ride from NYC to DC

[sponsored_by name="Zimride" url="http://www.zimride.com/landing?lp=dc-passenger&utm_source=PPR&utm_medium=D&utm_campaign=Brokelyn&utm_content=box" logo="http://brokelyn.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/app/uploads/2012/07/120x60_logo.png" byline="As the largest ridesharing company in America, Zimride makes sharing rides with strangers cool (and safe)."]…